
They're Spinnin'

"Spinning in the grave" is a saying that means if a deceased person were alive, they would be extremely upset or angry about something currently happening. It implies they'd be so disturbed they would practically be "turning over" in their grave due to the situation.  In light of that, I wonder who's spinning ๐Ÿ” the hardest Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, the Apostle Paul, John of Patmos, or America's Founding Fathers.๐Ÿค” Just keepin' it real...

 Why Block the Daylight?

Knowing and appreciating that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb is right and good, but knowing and appreciating that Lewis Latimer--a Black inventor--improved upon Edison's invention, making it more affordable and practical is just as important. Black History month--1 month out of 12--recognizes the great contributions Black Americans made in American history. Contributions that would otherwise get little or no acknowledgement. Black history month doesn't detract from American history in any way, it shines light upon and acknowledges the American history that's just as meaningful to the shaping of this Nation but not given as much "daylight".  Just keepin' it real...

File It!

๐Ÿ“ฃ To safeguard your self-esteem and peace, don't hesitate to file what folk say, their accusations, and attitudes right here โžก๏ธ๐Ÿ—‘ and keep it movin'. It's either folk will love you or not, support you or not, be there for you or not. Don't allow their "not" to define you. Just keepin' it real...

It's On You, You Will Own It...

Folk have been repeatedly warned and shown the receipts regarding Donald Trump. If Trump wins the Presidency and any of the following happens and you voted to hand him power, you will own it: * Social Security/Medicare is negatively impacted. * The Constitutional power structure is changed per Project 2025, destroying Constitutional checks and balances by making the Executive branch more powerful than the other branches of government. * Trump requires personal loyalty oaths from all federal government workers for continued employment.  * The Project 2025 blueprint is implemented to prevent any future fair elections and usher in an authoritarian government. * The death rate of pregnant mothers continue to rise because of denied emergency care. * Agencies vital to the health, safety, and education of this Nation are dissolved as outlined by Project 2025. * IVF access is curtailed. * Trump goes after his opponent's, retaliating as promised. * Trump disappears his federal cases to esca...

Wait...Hold Up...Christians Did What?

Wait...did Christians really go to D.C. to pray for America to turn to God BY electing a man who's a rapist, racist, bigot, con, habitual liar, and contentious, divisive, unrepentant convicted criminal? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ and ๐Ÿ˜ฎ. Please help me to understand this. And let me say right off the bat that I don't buy those "If God could use..." churchy sounding justifications ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ. True, He did use those folk for His purposes but they also repented. The guy these Trump followers are exalting--by his own admission--has NEVER repented of anything. I'm all for humbling ourselves, turning from wicked ways, and seeking Him. I would LOVE to see everyone accept the work Christ did for us on the cross and make right Bible supported choices. Wouldn't that be wonderful?  What I am NOT for is trying to elevate a man (flesh) who personifies everything Christ and Christianity is NOT to be the catalyst the Lord needs to heal this Nation. Especially, when that same man is the conduit for m...

How Much Lower Can They Go?

They've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at this woman, trying to stop her momentum. They've tried to make Kamala Harris a racist, saying she hates Jewish didn't work because her husband is Jewish. They're trying to use her past to slut shame her. To every woman joining in this nasty, low rating, and denigrating bashing of another woman, you actually went there?!?! SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU!!! This is compounded crazy for you wholeheartedly support a sleazy rapist who repeatedly cheated on his wives and slept with porn stars. They try to tarnish her reputation as a prosecutor and end up contradicting each other: She kept folk in prison for cheap labor...She was too soft on crime. They accuse her of doing all kinds of despicable things during her career. A quick Google search debunks the lies. Then, they went lower and took aim at her race. They said because she's multiracial--her father is Jamaican and her mother is Indian--she's not Black. Of...

Selective Christian Angst

Let's talk about the angst over the skit at the opening Olympics ceremony. Does it bother me? A couple of things... 1. The portrait of the Lord's Supper was an artist's rendering of his interpretation of how that event looked. What he painted was in his imagination. Just like that White Jesus with the long golden hair is not a picture of the real Jesus. We don't know exactly what He looked like but we do know...that isn't it. 2. We view things from our own Christian perspective. Some Christians will try to slap a deep spiritual meaning on a fly buzzing by. Others just see a dirty fly and try to swat it away. 3. Christianity has different flavors around the world. What's mega Christian to you, may not be of grave importance to me. Ex. Religious statues. For some, religious statues are just appreciated as great works of art. For others, they are sacred objects. 4. I expect more from folk who say they share my faith than those who don't or whose faith is unknow...