Wait...did Christians really go to D.C. to pray for America to turn to God BY electing a man who's a rapist, racist, bigot, con, habitual liar, and contentious, divisive, unrepentant convicted criminal? ๐ฎ๐ฎ and ๐ฎ. Please help me to understand this. And let me say right off the bat that I don't buy those "If God could use..." churchy sounding justifications ๐
๐พโโ๏ธ. True, He did use those folk for His purposes but they also repented. The guy these Trump followers are exalting--by his own admission--has NEVER repented of anything. I'm all for humbling ourselves, turning from wicked ways, and seeking Him. I would LOVE to see everyone accept the work Christ did for us on the cross and make right Bible supported choices. Wouldn't that be wonderful? What I am NOT for is trying to elevate a man (flesh) who personifies everything Christ and Christianity is NOT to be the catalyst the Lord needs to heal this Nation. Especially, when that same man is the conduit for m...