
Showing posts from October, 2024

Wait...Hold Up...Christians Did What?

Wait...did Christians really go to D.C. to pray for America to turn to God BY electing a man who's a rapist, racist, bigot, con, habitual liar, and contentious, divisive, unrepentant convicted criminal? 😮😮 and 😮. Please help me to understand this. And let me say right off the bat that I don't buy those "If God could use..." churchy sounding justifications 🙅🏾‍♀️. True, He did use those folk for His purposes but they also repented. The guy these Trump followers are exalting--by his own admission--has NEVER repented of anything. I'm all for humbling ourselves, turning from wicked ways, and seeking Him. I would LOVE to see everyone accept the work Christ did for us on the cross and make right Bible supported choices. Wouldn't that be wonderful?  What I am NOT for is trying to elevate a man (flesh) who personifies everything Christ and Christianity is NOT to be the catalyst the Lord needs to heal this Nation. Especially, when that same man is the conduit for m