Selective Christian Angst

Let's talk about the angst over the skit at the opening Olympics ceremony.

Does it bother me?

A couple of things...

1. The portrait of the Lord's Supper was an artist's rendering of his interpretation of how that event looked. What he painted was in his imagination. Just like that White Jesus with the long golden hair is not a picture of the real Jesus. We don't know exactly what He looked like but we do know...that isn't it.

2. We view things from our own Christian perspective. Some Christians will try to slap a deep spiritual meaning on a fly buzzing by. Others just see a dirty fly and try to swat it away.

3. Christianity has different flavors around the world. What's mega Christian to you, may not be of grave importance to me. Ex. Religious statues.

For some, religious statues are just appreciated as great works of art. For others, they are sacred objects.

4. I expect more from folk who say they share my faith than those who don't or whose faith is unknown to me. 

5. There could be a valid explanation for the skit that doesn't have anything to do with deliberately offending my Christian sensibilities. The explanation that the skit was about Olympian gods is plausible if you know anything about Greek history and mythology. 

6.  Christians can be a hypocritical lot. They're all up in their feelings about this skit that took place in another country, where they have their own religious and cultural values. Yet, they don't hold what's happening in THIS country with the same religious fervor. Which brings me to my next point...

7. If religious images are so important and sacred, why are Christians giving the blasphemous religious images of Trump a pass and sharing them around for mass viewing? Where are the anger and offended Christian sensibilities for that? 

THIS pulls me all up in my feelings because folk in THIS country who share my faith and should know better are complicit in the blasphemous behavior. 

8. Some folk act like they think it is but hypocrisy is not a Christian virtue.

Just keepin' it real...


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