
Showing posts from December, 2007

What's Your Take on Christian/Inspirational Fiction?

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. As you can see from my blog postings, I'm a Christian author. I am also an avid reader of romance novels and cozy mysteries. Here lately, my reading has been limited to romance novels. When I was reading cozy mysteries, I enjoyed M. C. Beaton's Hamish Macbeth Mysteries and one or two other authors. For years, I only read secular novels. To be honest, I was ignorant of the availability of Christian romance novels. There are tons of novels out there! So, I started to read those. For the most part, the books were well-written and the messages were in line with the bible. I read some that I liked, and I bought new releases as they hit the shelves. Two of the authors that come to mind are Lori Wick and Lori Copeland (historical novels). But then there were others. They were totally alien to my life experiences. I couldn't relate. Life is full of struggles, adversity, disappointments, and temptations for everybody, but the characters in those novels...