I don’t eat food prepared by any and everybody. I don’t care how appetizing it looks or smells, if I know the person who prepared it is dirty, it’s thanks but no thanks. Why? Because if the preparer is dirty, the food could very well be contaminated and will harm me. I also don’t eat spiritually from any and everybody. If I know the message is coming from someone who’s spiritually dirty, I put the brakes on it. Why? The message coming from them is contaminated and I know it will be spiritually harmful for me. Folk who deal in deception, use something you believe to make something you would normally reject acceptable. Once you bite, it becomes very easy to get you to buy into their other nons…beliefs. What am I saying? People are wrapping conspiracy theories in scripture and prophecy to deceive the church. Some have bitten because all they heard was the scripture and prophecy, but couldn’t discern what they were really being fed....