
Showing posts from March, 2021

Devastating Consequences

In the past, when my Christian friends posted something I'd found to be untrue, I shared that with them assuming they were like me and didn’t want to be responsible for spreading lies via posts. It wasn't because I was "policing" anyone. Some appreciated it, some didn't. Now, I no longer bother and keep it moving. Personally, I believe the source of a lie should be held accountable, especially when the lie contributes to horrific outcomes. Yes, we have a personal responsibility to use due diligence and seek the truth, but the defense that no reasonable person would have believed the lie just doesn't wash for many believe and there can be devastating consequences. Folk, we're living in scary times and we'd better be sure and very sure that our anchor holds and grips the solid rock--Christ. God help us!

Beware of the Chameleons

Spiritual Chameleon: A person who pretends to be something they are not, changing their characteristics to present the image needed for a particular environment.   The chameleon lizard isn’t dangerous, but the spiritual chameleon can be very dangerous indeed.  The spiritual chameleon has a form of godliness, but no power.  (2 Timothy 2:5)   They can talk the walk, but they cannot walk the talk because they haven’t submitted to God.   Do you know any preachers who preach the church happy on Sunday, then live raggedy, ungodly lives the rest of the week?  This is a glaring example of a spiritual chameleon. Here’s another.  Do you know anyone who uses the scripture to support and promote ungodly principles? For instance, they may use the scripture to support a right to kill, break laws, commit adultery (physical or emotional), hate, or treat others like they are less than human? I’ve seen folk who were full of love for all humanity become si...