
Showing posts from September, 2022


Ever wondered about God's take on the treatment of migrants? Let's go to the Book...   Leviticus 19:33-34 (NKJV) 33 And if a stranger dwells with you in your  land, you shall not mistreat him.  34 The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. From posts written by some Christians regarding migrants, I'd say they missed these scriptures while they were on their cherry-picking expeditions or maybe their pastors just never preached about them. If you want to see a recent demonstration of these scriptures in action, take a look at the actions of the residents of Martha's Vineyard in response to the unexpected transportation of migrants to their island by Florida's Governor. Remember WWJD - What Would Jesus Do? it is! Love and compassion demonstrated in overdrive.  In case you didn't know it, Desantis' tactic is not new. ...

Who Would Want to Serve Your God?

Man or woman of God. We are very liberal in placing these labels on folk.   Their lives may be so raggedy nothing is hardly covered anymore and the true state of their relationship with Christ has been exposed. For whatever reason, they still wear the label and still work in ministry like their sinful state hasn't stepped them out from under the umbrella of Grace and separated them from God.  Spiritually, I was raised old school. We couldn't wear our sin with pride and continue to serve in the church. We had to repent and get our souls right with God, THEN we could continue in ministry.  We were pointed to the alter until we had repented and fixed our relationship with the Lord. The "posture" of the alter is lacking today.  Now, it seems everything goes.  Even when sin is exposed, folk continue in ministry and everything is glossed over without a call for repentance. Yet, pastors stand and wring their hands in helplessness when the congregation struggles wi...


They love you...they hate you. They support you, then ignore you. They pray for you, then at you. They help you, then drag you. They talk with you, then about you. They accept you...until they don't. They laugh with you and at you. One of the most difficult hurdles to overcome is people. But, you know what? There's so much peace, clarity, and lightness on the other side. Do you know what helped me? I had to stop expecting folk to treat me the way I treat them--especially some of today's Christians.   Sadly, I had to lower my expectations. Now, I'm OCCASIONALLY, pleasantly surprised. People...