Cult or Willful Ignorance
Excessive admiration for a particular person or thing. Cult His followers declare him God's chosen one while sin, darkness, and degradation obviously drips from him. Cult Evidence of the leaders wrong doing is being revealed over and over again...yet blinded followers don't believe it. Cult When the leader is finally held accountable for his many wrong doings, his blind followers wring their hands and cry their leader is being persecuted. Cult If it's not a cult, it's willful ignorance: A decision to intentionally ignore and avoid all facts and truths that are in opposition to what they choose to believe. I learned early on that you can't have a rational or meaningful discussion with someone who's in a cult or someone who's willfully ignorant. I'll just put this out there: Willful ignorance is not something to wear proudly. Just keepin' it real...