
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Stench

The stench of our political landscape is awful! 🦨 When "Did their lips move?" is the answer to the question, "Did a politician lie?", things are bad...very bad. And then their followers blindly repeat the lies with loud conviction.  Some of the political posts floating on the internet are "Oh, sweetie..." and cringe worthy. Have you seen those videos where they interview street folk talking about political matters and why they support what/who they support? It's just...😳 Sometimes, folk earnestly try to present facts and truths to counter an...uninformed statement only to receive abuse for their efforts.  My thoughts on this? You can't have a productive and intelligent discussion with willful ignorance. Critical thinking, reading, seems many consider these an inconvenient waste of time. Just keepin' it real...

Catch Them First

Sometimes, it seems that some Christians have forgotten this simple truth:  You can't clean fish before you catch them. They spend a lot of time and effort trying to whip sinful actions/choices away they can see, instead of focusing on the root cause of those actions/choices: The condition of the heart. Their whip is woven strands of their personal understanding of scripture, their personal likes and dislikes, their personal religious beliefs, and their personal interpretation of the mind of God. They may eventually win compliance through their efforts, but if the condition of the heart has not changed...that soul will still be lost.  So...what's more important?  Winning compliance or winning the soul for Christ? When the heart changes, choices also change. You can't clean fish before you catch them.

A Truth Moment

You support and idolize a bigot, a racist, a rapist, a liar, a cheat, and a cruel person, declaring them to be sent by God. You jeer, ridicule, and belittle, individuals of higher morals and better character for the simple reason that they are not one of you--your religious group, race, and/or political party. At the same time, you marginalize, demonize, and scripture whip folk who make personal choices regarding their dress and bodies (which will turn into dust one day, anyway) rather than focusing on the important eternal matter of the state of their heart/soul. When your hypocrisy is called out, you cry religious persecution. In reality, the religious are really the ones wearing the persecutor's hat. How can you tell someone about the love of God when you don't demonstrate it yourself and support things/individuals that do not represent love? How can you tell someone that God has no respect of person, when you do? How can you tell someone, sin stinks in the nostrils of God, ...

Simon Says

Some politicians don't have any solutions, so they take measures to stoke anger, counting on their followers to fall in line with their nonsense like they're playing a game of Simon Says. The true intent of these folk has been leaked in the media in recent days. I don't know about you, but I'd be deeply offended if I heard this stuff and realized I'd been unknowingly playing a game of Simon Says. Those of us who can see through the smoke want them to bring REAL solutions to the table or get out of the way so grown folk can take care of grown folk business. Voting matters, but WHO you vote for matters even more.  Electing someone with a child's mentality or someone not capable of deductive reasoning to handle the grave issues of our States and Nation, will only end up in non-ending, damaging, and divisive rounds of Simon Says.