A Truth Moment
You support and idolize a bigot, a racist, a rapist, a liar, a cheat, and a cruel person, declaring them to be sent by God.
You jeer, ridicule, and belittle, individuals of higher morals and better character for the simple reason that they are not one of you--your religious group, race, and/or political party.
At the same time, you marginalize, demonize, and scripture whip folk who make personal choices regarding their dress and bodies (which will turn into dust one day, anyway) rather than focusing on the important eternal matter of the state of their heart/soul.
When your hypocrisy is called out, you cry religious persecution. In reality, the religious are really the ones wearing the persecutor's hat.
How can you tell someone about the love of God when you don't demonstrate it yourself and support things/individuals that do not represent love?
How can you tell someone that God has no respect of person, when you do?
How can you tell someone, sin stinks in the nostrils of God, when you revere and label a bigot, a liar, a cheat, a racist, a rapist, and a cruel person as being sent by Him?
It's sad...it's troubling...it's a travesty. What? The hypocrisy and inconsistency.
God help us!
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