I don’t understand, but I’ll stand


With everything going on in this moment, various emotions and internal conflicts have bubbled to the surface. Some will never voice it, but certainties and faith have been shaken.

I have heard several sermons this morning, but the one preached by Pastor Penny Francis (Ruach City Church, UK) resonated with me and here are my takeaways.

We may not understand everything, but on this we can stand with certainty:
  • God’s thoughts (intentions, plans) and ways are higher than ours. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
  • His plans for us are good. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • The good He has purposed, will come to pass. (Isaiah 14:27)

To help you resolve the conflict and crisis of faith you’re wrestling with, I encourage you to read I Corinthians 13. You will find that God has given us a very important and individual task that’s not always given the prominence it should have: charity (love). We can’t do this under our own steam. If we had the capability, we’d be hitting folk with lightning bolts and banishing them from the earth.

What we can do is allow Him to love through us for God is love (I John 4:16).


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