The Man in the Mirror

People are fickle.  The emotions and the desires of their hearts govern their relationships and motivations.

They love today and hate tomorrow.

They appreciate and support today and dis and discount the next day.

They exclude people today they included yesterday.

They promise and don’t deliver.

They set loose returning boomerangs, but when they come back, their feelings get hurt because they can’t take what they’ve dished out.

This really makes me indignant: They use the Word to justify their bad attitudes and choices to dis others. They spew hate and talk of the love of God all in the same breath.

Yes, I’m talking about church folk.  Folk who by their changed nature should be in a different place.

If you want to have a bad attitude, have it. If you want to separate yourself from people who have never done anything to you that justifies it, do it.  If you want to hold others in low esteem, thinking you are all that and some, go for it. It’s your choice, but please do me a favor:  Leave God out of your mess. You and your emotions made those choices.

I may seem blunt but love for God’s people flows through what I’m saying. We each have gifts and callings. As much as we would like to be, all of us are not cheerleaders. Some of us have to cry loud and spare not. The gifts and callings may differ, but they all work together for the edification of the church.

Christians should not be ruled by their flesh. The Word tells us no good thing dwelleth in our flesh (Romans 7:18).  Our moral compass must be calibrated by the Word if it is to keep us pointed in the right direction.

Keep it real. You might as well because you are not fooling anyone. Let me qualify that: You are not fooling anyone who has discernment.  And the One who really matters, the Lord, knows and sees all.

Well, this is not where I wanted to go today, but here we are…

If this is not you, say Amen and keep it moving. If it is, repent and stop.

I challenge everyone to take an honest look in the mirror. What does the man/woman in the mirror say about you?




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