I Alone Can Fix It - Part I

Some time ago, I shared I was interested in the audiobook I Alone Can Fix It, penned by co-authors Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker. I hoped to find out what was happening behind the scenes--from the point of view of those present at the time--that drove the emotions, spiritual responses, and happenings we witnessed in the media.
Well…let me tell ya’, it’s been quite a ride so far! I had a few “Oh, so that’s why that happened,” moments.
The book kicks off with the pandemic. It beautifully illustrates who knew what when, responses to the situation, and the underlying priority that drove those responses. Here’s a spoiler: The people of this nation were NOT the first priority. Every effort was made toward ensuring the desired poll and election results: withholding information from the public, promoting risky actions because it fed the voter base, pushing quick untested and potentially harmful solutions because the perception of some action was better than no action at all.
It’s very plain to see who the bad apples and enablers were during that period. The maneuvering and manipulation were blatant. Backstabbing, in fighting, betrayal, instigation, and retaliation all fed into what we ultimately saw in the media. A VERY toxic environment.
Toni: Leaders, who you allow in your ear is crucial, and when you don’t have a clue, it’s
equally important that you are humble enough to accept guidance from good
sources when it’s offered.
We’ve stepped through the events that led to and the execution of that whole Lafayette Square…nightmare and the aftermath. You remember that, right? Peaceful protesters, horses, rubber bullets, spray, shields…Bible held up in front of the church. Remember?
After viewing the past events through the perspective of those present at the time, my perception of some of the people involved has changed a bit. Everybody wasn’t dirty. The constitution, the nation, and the US citizens were their priority. I’m glad to know that...I really am.
I remember the events reported by the media and how they were reported. The spin. The opinions—I’ve had my fill of those. The so-called experts who are former this-and-that which means they are speaking from stale knowledge and not present-day information. They are not in any briefings or planning meetings to get current and relevant information, yet they speak with authority about what did, can, and cannot happen. Although they’re proven wrong time and time again, folk repeat their misinformation and declarations as truth.
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve listened to a live speech, the station cut to the talking heads, and they proceeded to tell me the speaker said something I KNOW they didn’t say. Then what happened? People parroted the lie as truth…
If you’re interested in reliving the events from the past couple of years from the perspective of those with the receipts, I recommend this book.
I’m still listening…


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