Money: A Changed Perspective
It's amazing how age changes your perspective.
When I was young, getting a new car or house excited me. It gave me the, "See, I'm doing pretty good," feels.
You know how folk would prophesy in church that you'd get those things? They had to give me some space because those were dance moments! 😁
Now? A new car...the first word that pops into my head is DEBT. A new house? A LOT of DEBT. 😁
A prophesy? I want the particulars because I need clarification:
1. Will the items be at no cost?
2. If they are free, will I have to pay taxes on the gifts? 😁
I won a nice item in the past and was contacted close to tax time with instructions on how to report the gift to the IRS when I filed. 😕So...I need to know.
I'm not saying I'll never buy a new car or house again, but when I do, I'll go about it differently so I won't be burdened with heavy, unwieldy, and unnecessary debt.
In my youth, I didn't really care about debt. I wanted what a wanted and got it...along with the chains of debt.
Now, I don't have to have the biggest or the best. All I need is satisfaction and comfort in my choice. That's a money saver right there.
I no longer find "bling" debt acceptable. Reasonable necessary debt is not wanted but it's tolerable.
Mixing up want and need will cause a drag on your wallet. You have to keep them straight. BUT I don't care what anybody thinks, blue crabs 🦀 are a need, not a want. 😁
There are a lot of wealthy people around us, but you'd never know it. They don't "bling" nor do they front. They live quiet, fiscally responsible lives. Some of them got there one paycheck at a time.
In my youth, I admired folk who shouted their wealth by the clothes/jewelry they wore or things they purchased. Now, I respect and admire the discipline of the "quiet" wealthy.
I'll just throw this out there: Seeding/giving is awesome! BUT where you give is important for seeding into bad soil will give you no return. It took me a long time to really get that one.
If I only knew back then, what I know now...
We live and learn...or should.
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