Life Does not End at Birth

Genesis 2:7 KJV

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Isn't it something how so many folk who call themselves Pro-life actually stop caring about people after they take their first breath?

That living soul that was "fearfully and wonderfully made" then becomes...

* Someone they hate and fear just because... 

* Someone they wish didn't exist.

* Someone they look down upon.

* Someone they find unacceptable because they are not like them.

* A N-word and other derogatory names for different races.

* "You people".

* "Blood poison".

* Someone to keep under their foot.

Sounds ugly? It should...because it is.

These folk are NOT Pro-life. They are Pro-birth for they couldn't care less about that baby after it leaves the birth canal and takes its first breath...

It is for that very reason Pro-lifers are viewed with contempt, disgust, and labeled hypocrites.

Life does NOT end at birth. 

If you say you're Pro-life, BE Pro-life or pin a different label on yourself...else, it will be done for you.

Just keepin' it real...


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