Grow Up Already!
Being a Babe in Christ isn't about the number of years you've been professing to be a Christian. It has everything to do with how carnal (can't understand or apply the truth of the Word, controlled by fleshly desires, wants, and passions) you are.
We start out as Babes in Christ when we first become Christians but at some point, there should be/has to be some growth. We have to "grow up".
Some folk have been Christians for decades but are still Babes in Christ. They're just as carnal now as they were on day one of their conversion.
They see themselves as mighty lions when they're still babes that can only digest formula and pablum. They need constant and repeated redirection from things, people, and choices that can hurt or mislead them.
It's easy to identify the Babes in Christ by what they do, what they allow, and without a doubt...what comes out of their mouths.
Just keepin' it real...
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